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Conflict Management

Conflict System Design

Unresolved conflicts in the workplace cause enormous challenges for organisations and individuals. From an organisational perspective, the most significant of these challenges is the additional pressures imposed on time, energy and resources.


We help organisations identify, design, employ and evaluate bespoke systems to ensure that conflict is managed in line with the culture of the organisation, ensuring employee wellbeing and the early resolution of disputes. Sound systems create a supportive infrastructure for organisations. They minimise the high cost of conflict and provide employers, HR partners and managers the opportunity to focus on the positive aspects of their work.

Mentoring & Training

RoundTable provides training in conflict resolution techniques to organisations for their employees, managers, and investigation and mediation teams. This training will enhance the capabilities of employees and managers in holding difficult conversations, deescalating conflict and resolving conflict. Individuals may benefit from one-to-one mentoring to develop and strengthen their competence in conflict situations.

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